A young White woman in a tank top touches a patch of rosacea on her cheek.
Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that primarily affects the skin of the face, usually appearing as red splotchy blotches. Rosacea does not a definitive cause, our best science, however, points to several factors, including genetic (rosacea often runs in families), bacterial (exposure to a certain bacteria causes skin to overreact), and an overactive protein (cathelicidin) that normally protects the skin from infections.

About the condition

What is rosacea?

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that primarily affects the face and sometimes the eyes. It is most common in fair-skinned individuals, and ages 40 to 60. More women than men experience rosacea. At Valley View Dermatology, we know that rosacea can greatly impact self-image and quality of life. That’s why we offer advanced treatments to help manage its symptoms and restore confidence in your appearance.

Rosacea typically shows up on the face — nose, cheeks, forehead and chin — and is characterized by:

  • Redness — like a flush or blush that does not go away.
  • Dilated blood vessels
  • Bumps — sometimes pus-filled — that can look like acne
  • Rashy skin
  • Hotness or burning sensation

When should I see a dermatologist about rosacea?

Rosacea has at least four different subtypes that manifest and behave differently in each person. Self-medicating with over-the-counter treatments can sometimes aggravate the situation, so this condition should always be evaluated and treated by a dermatologist. While there is no cure for rosacea, our board-certified physicians will help you diagnose your rosacea correctly and determine which treatments will best control the symptoms and avoid long-term skin damage.


Diagnosis and treatment options for rosacea

There is a broad range of treatments for rosacea – but all start with listening. Often, other medical conditions can create rosacea-like symptoms, so our experienced providers will ask a series of questions to rule out other conditions – such as lupus or allergic skin reactions. And since there’s not a definitive medical test for rosacea, our doctors will perform a thorough exam of your skin and eyes, and will discuss any environmental factors that might have a bearing on your symptoms. Treatment options may include environmental and skin care adjustments, medications and photo therapies.

Topical therapies

Topical therapies for rosacea involve medications that are applied directly onto the skin. They serve as frontline treatments for many patients and can significantly reduce redness, inflammation, and the number of rosacea breakouts. Depending on their specific formulation, these medications may constrict blood vessels to reduce redness or provide anti-inflammatory benefits. Commonly used topical treatments include metronidazole, azelaic acid, and ivermectin. These are often the first step in a comprehensive treatment plan and are paired with other measures to ensure maximum efficacy.

Oral antibiotics

Oral antibiotics offer a systemic approach to managing rosacea and are particularly useful for those with moderate to severe symptoms. While antibiotics are primarily designed to fight infections, in the case of rosacea, they’re often prescribed for their anti-inflammatory properties. This helps in reducing the redness, pimples, and pustules that are associated with rosacea. Medications such as doxycycline and tetracycline are among the commonly prescribed antibiotics for this condition. Regular monitoring by a dermatologist is crucial when on these medications to ensure optimal results and manage any potential side effects.

Laser and light therapies

Laser and light therapies present an innovative approach to treating the visible signs of rosacea. By targeting the tiny blood vessels that lie just beneath the skin’s surface, these therapies can greatly reduce the appearance of visible vessels and diminish overall redness. Technologies like Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and pulsed dye lasers have been recognized for their effectiveness in treating rosacea. While these treatments are non-invasive, they are powerful and can offer long-lasting results for many patients. It’s essential to have these procedures performed by experienced practitioners to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Schedule an appointment

Take the first step today: book an appointment at the clinic that’s convenient for you. We look forward to creating a personalized treatment plan give you healthy, glowing skin.

Call 971-374-2150